Friday, January 9, 2009

Tiki Tan Day 2

With the first day complete and a little more sleep we were ready to start the 2nd day of our fun. We still had no idea what we were in for.....the previous owners had the whole place painting in this really boring beige color, so we figured spend a little money on some paint to really liven the place up and improve it. Little did we know how much work this was going to be. I mean really we have painted some rooms in our house and that wasn't so bad, so how hard could it be. Plus Jeremy had done his research and bought a sprayer that didn't cost too much and was supposed to be decent.

As you can see, very plain and boring color for a tanning salon.

So we arrived earlier Friday morning to start the painting. We had bought our 15 gallons of paint, which we hoped would be enough and our sprayer....we were ready to tackle the painting. Well thats when things really started to go down hill. The sprayer was not would spray really thick then really thin...not spray at all....or over spray onto everything in its path. Some of these problems we were expecting, but hoped we could get the thing figured out enough to cut down on our painting time and labor. Of course we would not get so reluctantly we broke out the rollers and took to the walls.....and yes things continued to get worse.
Wendy and I enjoying the physical labor...haha.

After a few sections of yellow on the walls we realized that this yellow was not goign to cover well enough with just one coat of paint, fantastic the work load just doubled, as well as our paint order. We hadn't bought nearly enough.

After about 8 hours of painting and two coats we were done with the hallway, great that only left 3/4 of salon to paint. We quickly realized this project of just painting was going to take waaayyy longer than planned.

Tiki Todd was the smart one...he stayed up front to continue working on the front counter area. He added some nice trim pieces and finished everything up so it is was just awaiting its formica top. Don't worry though, once Todd gets done with the counter we have plenty of rollers and paint that need done.

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