Sunday, January 11, 2009

Still Working

Yes, we are still working in the salon and as usual all projects take twice as long as anticipated. The salon was open Saturday until 6 pm so Jeremy and I both went in in the morning figuring we could get a good portion of our weekend projects done by 6 or a little after.....well lets just say we spent 5 hours there on Sunday even after staying until 8 on Saturday night trying to get it done.

For the weekend we wanted to get the three remaining beds cleaned and ready to use, three beds needed new bulbs which we got on Friday and really wanted to at least get started on the bamboo.

We can officially say we know all the ins and outs of the tanning beds now. We can tell you where every little secret fan or compartment that collects dust and filth is. Seems like each time we would start on another bed we would find something else and have to go back to the other beds. It is really disappointing that the previous owner had no maintenance or cleaning habits. The beds really were disgusting and luckily the customers did not see what we saw when we took them all apart becuase they would not be tanning there. We have spent so much time cleaning every nook and cranny that the beds almost look new.

I swear every time you turn around you find more dust mites or dust bunnies....I don't think we will ever get rid of all of them. The dust and filth is really frustrating, not sure how anyone could spend that amount of money on equipment and then not take care of it.

Below are a couple of pictures of the beds and some of the layers of dirt. Some of the fans were almost solid with really is amazing the beds were still working properly.

We had three beds that were way over due on new bulbs and let me tell you those are not cheap bulbs...and I was a little nervous and afraid we were going to break one. But we replaced all of them with no incidents.

All the acrylic tops and bottoms had to be cleaned and polished...boy that was a project in itself. But that stuff cleans up really nice and looks like new once you buff out any scratches. I am not sure my arms can take much more wax on--wax off though.

Jeremy got started on the bamboo and was pleasantly surprised that it installed fairly easy with some screws. It makes the front counter look so if our formica would just come in we could have the counter done.

We decided that putting the bamboo half way up the walls in the entry way would look really good too. Jeremy was able to get about half of the bamboo up this weekend. And we both really like it.

So although it seems to be going slow and taking a lot more work than we thought it would, things are really starting to look good and come together. The place is really starting to look more like a place that would called Tiki Tan. We are getting a little tired of spending every waking moment there fixing and cleaning things, but we are both still very excited about the potential here.

**Special Note** Brutus is not enjoying us having the tanning salon so far. He is spending way too much time alone and man is he ever full of energy and wanting to play when we get home. He just does not understand why we have to be gone so much and then so tired when we get home.


Heather said...

You should be proud of all your hard work. It looks great!

Anonymous said...

soon you will have it all done and then you can just sit back and enjoy the bucks rolling in!! really like the bamboo. keep up the good work.
love you both,
mom and pops

Anonymous said...

Tiki Tan looks so good, all of the hard work you guys have put into it has really paid off. Love the colors together and the bamboo sets the front off...except for the crazy noises it makes.
Nellie, you were right, the beds were so yucky with filth. Yea, I probably would have had a little problem with that. Painting worked just fine for me. Ha Ha. I'm happy for you both! :-)