I am not sure which part of the surgery was the worst (well we know which part was actually the worst as is evident by some missing parts now, but aside from that)...the feet and legs (from having my declaws removed) that had to be wrapped and constantly itched or the damn cone that had to be on my head to try and keep me from chewing on my feet. I honestly think the cone did more damage than it helped..I managed to run into everything and get myself stuck. Plus, after a few days I figured out that I could use the edges of it to rub off the bandages and get to my feet anyways.
So after numerous trips (and I mean so many that everyone at the Vet now knows me and Dad by name) to get my legs and feet rewrapped and to make sure I didnt rip out any stitches (yeah I did get the bandages off numerous times and caused them to bleed quite often), antibiotics becuase I got a little infection, many different doses of "Doggie Downers" to keep me calm and relaxed (haha...the Vet had no idea who he was dealing with here), a plastic cone that was broken into about five different pieces that Dad had to keep taping back together, I can officially say that I am recovered and back to playing and causing trouble.
We did have a slight panic one morning when I woke up to find my feet about 3 times their normal size. As you can see in the pics below they were pretty big and funny looking. The Vet said apparently I had slept wrong on them and since they were bandages all the blood had pooled in my feet and were not getting any circulation....oh is that all...haha. Thankfully they went back to normal after a few hours and having the bandages redone again!
At least this whole mess is behind us now and I can get back to life as normal...although I keep hearing mention of some kind of obedience classes and I have no idea what this could be all about but I would imagine by the two words "Obedience" and "Class" I can not imagine it is good! Thanks again to the BT Fan Club....I feel very honored to officially have my own fan club.
Thats all for now until my next adventures.....
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